2015 SNGA Tour – Boulder City Golf Course


The 2015 SNGA Tour kicked off at Boulder City Golf Course on Tuesday January 27.

Her are the results from the event:

Scratch Flight

1st Place: Bohyun Lim, 73 Gross

2nd Place: Matt Davies, 75 Gross

3rd Place: John Bobroski, 75 Gross


Net Flight

1st Place: Andy Sessa, 72 Net (Won in a Scorecard Playoff)

2nd Place: Roger Vega, 72 Net

3rd Place: Deb Headley, 74 Net


Senior Flight

1st Place: James Hill, 76 Gross

2nd Place: Brian McShane, 80 Gross


Senior Net Flight

1st Place: Bryan Link, 73 Net

2nd Place: Joe Guggina, 74 Net


Super Senior Flight

1st Place: Bill Fortner, 75 Gross

2nd Place: Frank Abbott, 78 Gross


Super Senior Net Flight

1st Place: Gregory Ladner, 68 Net

2nd Place: Charles Devalliere, 72 Net


For Full Tournament Results, Click Here

Golf Galaxy gift cards for the winners will be mailed out within 2 weeks of the event.

If you didn’t receive your skins money, you can pick it up at the next SNGA Event on February 21-22 at the Primm Amateur. Thank you to our sponsor Golf Galaxy and Boulder City Golf Course for hosting a great SNGA Tour event!

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