This Southern Nevada Women’s Golf Group Means Business

Oct. 14, 2022–For many people, golf and business go hand-in-hand. Whether it’s talking about business or closing a potential deal or just enjoying the camaraderie, the relaxing atmosphere of a lush golf course is an ideal spot. Don’t believe us? Just check with the Southern Nevada Golf Association for Business Women (SNGABW) and also learn about their largest annual event. –By Bill Bowman,

The association started up in 1986 and has been growing ever since.

“In the fall of 1986, 10 ladies who mostly worked in hotel business founded SNGABW,” said Nancy Lauback, club president. “Back then it was tough for ladies playing as a single to get on the golf courses so they decided to form the association. It’s helped out a lot of women along the way.”

And it’s been a hit ever since.

“Today we have 134 members,” Lauback said. “About 65 percent of the women are working so there’s a lot of interaction that goes on both on and off the course.”

Lauback said if women are looking for a golf group to join, there are a couple of distinct advantages to joining the SNGABW.

“We are unique in that we play many courses around the valley and we play on Saturdays and Sundays,” she said. “And with us not playing a single course, we get to play some of the best courses around. We do call Bear’s Best our home course and we do play there once a month. We also play a lot of shotguns so there’s time after the round for everyone to get together.”

She said the group’s members run the gamut when it comes to abilities.

“We have such a diverse group of women with regard to golf skills and handicaps,” Lauback said. “But the one thing we all have in common is we want to foster the attitude to accept everyone who loves the game and wants to play. We also want everyone to know the rules and golf etiquette. We want to ensure we are instilling all the basic fundamentals into our group and take that to the course.”

The group also plays a wide variety of games throughout the year.

“We establish a game of the day and if players choose to play, they put in $5 to take part,” Lauback said. “We do gross and net events, quick odd and even holes formats. It’s just a way to add a little more fun to the round. And if you’ve bought into the kitty, you certainly want to play well and have the chance to win some of the money.”

The association plays its share of tournaments during the year, none bigger than their annual Jingle Balls event.

This year the tournament, an invitational that will have a 144-player field, will be held Nov. 29 at Bear’s Best.

“We try to have it the Tuesday after Thanksgiving,” Lauback said of the sold-out invitational. “The purpose of the non-profit tournament is to have fun and to raise money for local charities throughout the valley. Last year we raised more than $20,000 through raffles and clothing and canned food drives. We benefitted Shade Tree and Safe Nest. We also have a member of our group who has a grandchild who is physically disabled so the Little Miss Hannah Foundation is a personal charity for us. We always try to donate as much as we can to groups within the Las Vegas Valley that are in need.”

For more information as well as an application form, go to:

“If people like what they see, they can play two times with us as a guest to see if they like the group,” Lauback said. “If it works out for them, they can join up and be part of this great group.”

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