At GOLFTEC Henderson, It is Real Vs. Feel

At GOLFTEC Henderson, It is Real Vs. Feel

There are multiple GOLFTEC locations in Southern Nevada and the SNGA is featuring each throughout 2023. First up is GOLFTEC Henderson, and a conversation with instructor and Center Manager Wes Mosman.

GOLFTEC is a national company that uses “instant video feedback and proprietary Motion Measurement Technology” to help students see real-time video and motion measurement simultaneously. The process is then combined with the Coaches’ expert guidance and knowledge that no ‘one’ technique works for everyone. According to GOLFTEC statistics, they have given 10 million golf lessons with a 96% success rate for students.

Mosman, along with Ms. Momo Sakuragi and Mr. Morne Bekker, are ready to assist local golfers and get them on the way to playing better golf. They don’t believe they leave anything to chance. The Southern Nevada locations are overseen by Tim Sam, who Mosman says sets the tone for their overall approach to teaching and ability to connect with golfers of all abilities.

“The ‘feel’ vs. ‘real’ is just never the same,” Mosman says. “Rather than being subjective in terms of our opinions about what we think the golf swing should be or what might help somebody play better, GOLFTEC as a company spends a lot of time studying the golf swing and looking at what better players do versus what higher handicap, less skilled golfers do. And then we, as coaches, can translate that to the student to get them playing and scoring better. We can show the golfer exactly what he or she is really doing with the golf swing to identify why they are having  frustrations or issues.”

Mosman says a big key to the GOLFTEC approach is OptiMotion, a proprietary, motion measurement capture software that dials into the swing and breaks down every inch of it.

“OptiMotion measures the golfer in real time and in terms of how they’re moving, turning, tilting, bending, swaying, and how they are doing those things throughout the golf swing,” Mosman says. “We measure all of this from a factual perspective as they swing. So, we can show a golfer why they’re slicing or why they’re hitting it heavy or thin shots. The technology has evolved from when a student had to wear gear to capture this information, but now the cameras capture everything without any need to wear cumbersome equipment.”

Mosman Tip of the Moment

“What would help most amateur golfers improve is better practice,” Mosman says. “I witness a lot of golfers just beating and banging golf balls with the intention of getting better, but they don’t have a true plan. If students had a better plan when they practiced, and were better at holding themselves accountable to practicing better, they would see more positive results much faster.”

Contact GOLFTEC Henderson today or call 702-834-6370.

The GOLFTEC Difference

Proven Path. Proven Results.
Over 10 Million Lessons Taught with a 96% Success Rate

While we continue to grow and embrace new, constantly-evolving technologies that further enhance our ability to provide the most consistent, precise and efficient methods for golf improvement, our mission of helping people play better golf remains the same.

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