Play PGA Tour Golf through March with Special TPC LV Pass Rates

TPC Las Vegas is the home of professional golf in Las Vegas, but for this winter you can make it your personal home of amateur golf. The annual 2015-16 TPC Las Vegas Winter Pass is on sale now and offers golfers 12 18-hole rounds of golf with cart, two additional 9-hole rounds of golf after 2:30 pm, 15% off food and beverage and pro shop merchandise. The cost of the card is only $650 (that’s about $50 per round) and another great benefit is you can share your rounds with your golfing buddies.

Rounds can be played from now through March 7, 2016. To order, visit the link or call TPC Las Vegas at 702.256.2500 ext. 1.

Players such as PGA TOUR stars Charley Hoffman, Ryan Moore, Scott Piercy, Bill Lunde and others play and practice at TPC Las Vegas. Now you can, too. Call or click here today!

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