Alexander wins LPGA Teaching and Club Professional President’s Award

Jennifer Alexander admitted to being a little nervous recently. It was with good reason. She recently accepted the prestigious Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Teaching and Club Professional (T&CP) President’s Award during the LPGA T&CP National Awards ceremony held during the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, Florida last month.

The President’s award is awarded by the LPGA T&CP National President to a member or a non-member who has provided exceptional service, contributions, and/or leadership to the LPGA Teaching and Club Professional membership.

This person is chosen for his or her:

Significant contributions to the LPGA or LPGA T&CP

Long-term service or leadership to the organization

Serving as a member of the Executive Committee or T&CP National Committees

“I believe I am the messenger of many who will wholeheartedly agree that Jennifer is an excellent choice for this special award,” said LPGA T&CP National President Deb Vangellow. “Jennifer is a tireless and passionate LPGA T&CP member who has given so much to the Association.

“Her mentoring role with new members matriculating through our Teacher Education Program is truly inspirational and her incredible work with development and implementation of two very successful Girls Golf programs (in San Francisco and Las Vegas) speaks volumes about this beloved teacher who simply gives, and gives freely of her time and talent. We are lucky to have ‘the Colonel’ in our LPGA Teaching and Club Professional membership. Congrats, Jennifer!”

Alexander, a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, became an LPGA Class A Teaching & Club Professional in October 2008 and is now a site director for LPGA*USGA Girls Golf at Las Vegas Golf Club. When she first moved to Las Vegas in 2012, she learned there was no Girls Golf program in the area and decided to start her own program. After successfully launching a site at Las Vegas Golf Club, she helped fellow LPGA Teaching Professionals start three more sites in Southern Nevada.

“To be honored with the LPGA Teaching & Club Professionals Presidents Award is an incredible honor,” said Alexander. “I was truly surprised when Deb Vangellow called to inform me. I love being an LPGA T&CP member and take great pride in representing our organization with professionalism and supporting my colleagues. We have so many talented members who continually inspire me and I am thankful to be in a position working to grow our membership.

“My Girls Golf program in Las Vegas has grown to more than 70 girls (and a few boys). When I first moved to Las Vegas, my goal was to touch the lives of 1,000 girls through golf within 10 years. I easily achieved that mark a few years ago.”

Before moving to Las Vegas, Alexander ran a successful LPGA*USGA Girls Golf site in San Francisco where she had 74 girls in her program. “In California, I gave about 1,200 hours of golf instruction every year to adults and juniors,” she said.

Alexander was honored with the 2017 Sandy LaBauve Spirit Award for her work with the LPGA*USGA Girls Golf program. She is also a four-time recipient of the LPGA T&CP Western Section Junior Leader Award (in 2012, 2014, 2014, 2015).

Past recipients of the President’s Award have been: Karen Stellick (2018), Nancy Henderson (2014), Malia Folquet (2010), Amy Fox (1999), Executive Committee (1998), Kay McMahon (1997) and Marion Walker (1996).

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