Board Spotlight – Hawk Takes Over as Treasurer

Obviously, there are plenty of puns to use when a person named Hawk takes over as treasurer of an organization, like Dr. Johnathan Hawk has for the Southern Nevada Golf Association in 2021. We’ll keep them to a minimum, but the first-year executive committee member will be “watching and observing like a hawk”, and looks forward to furthering the SNGA’s mission along with his fellow directors. –By Brian Hurlburt, Las Vegas Golf Insider.

Hawk brings meaningful experience to the role as he currently serves as the Chief Operations Officer of Nevada State High School, a network of eight public charter schools in Las Vegas and Reno, which serves over one-thousand 11th and 12th grade students in a real-college experience where they take college courses at the local universities and colleges in Nevada with the support from staff.

He is also ingrained in the game of golf as a participant in the SNGA net division, and the father of a daughter (Hailey) and son (Andrew) who play the game. Andrew is one of the top junior players in Southern Nevada and was all-league at Foothill in 2019 prior to the Covid-19 postponement. He is currently a +3 handicap and finished tied for 15th at the 2020 Nevada State Amateur competing against the best amateurs of all ages in the state.

For all of these reasons, Hawk, a member at DragonRidge Country Club, believed now was the time to give back to the SNGA and extend his influence to the organization.

“The game of golf is a lifelong sport with individuals at all levels and it has always been important for me to stay involved in my community and find organizations that fit my personal values of being healthy and helpful to others,” says Hawk about his new voluteer position. “The SNGA connects with these values and brings a tireless commitment to the weekend golfer to those challenging themselves to be the best. My mission is to watch the funds to allow management to carry out their business and bring value to the membership and my goals moving into a leadership position are to become more actively involved, assist in increasing membership and help provide value to the organization.”

Hawk played basketball at State University of New York College at Fredonia and then received his Master’s and a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, but prior to his kids taking up golf about seven years ago, he was only a casual player. But in short order, he has become an 8 handicap as he attempts to keep up with Andrew, who first inspired him to get involved.

“About seven years ago, my son and daughter started playing the game, so it forced me to take a look at the game from a much more serious perspective,” says Hawk. “In the fall of 2017, my son challenged me to sign up for an SNGA tournament and I was a regular in the SNGA Net Division for a couple years.”

SNGA 2021 Board


Kenny Ebalo – President

Sue May – Vice President

Debra Koch – Secretary

John Hawk – Treasurer – Note John is not new to the board but is new to the executive committee and position of treasurer


Kenny Ebalo – President

Sue May – Vice President

Debra Koch – Secretary

John Hawk – Treasurer

David Roger – Legal Counsel

Frank Abbott

Andrew Bednar – NEW TO THE BOARD

Larry Goins – NEW TO THE BOARD

Ronda Henderson

Karen Herness – WSNGA Representative

Karl Larcom – PGA Representative

Kendal Murphy – SNJGA Representative

Tim Quinn

Hendra Wijaya – NEW TO THE BOARD

More About Hawk

Dr. Johnathan David Hawk is the Chief Operations Officer of Nevada State High School (est. 2004), a charter school that serves 1000 11th and 12th grade students getting an early college experience.  Dr. Hawk’s main roles as the school’s visionary are big relationships, governance, R&D, keeper of the culture, creative ideas, and big problem solver.  John was a former high school math teacher for five (5) years in the Clark County School District and trainer for the Regional Professional Development Program of Southern Nevada for three (3) years.  Graduate of the State University of New York College at Fredonia and Master’s and a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.  He is husband to Dr. Wendi Hawk and father of two children Hailey (18). and Andrew (16). He also serves as an at-large member of the Henderson Chamber of Commerce.


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