Club Spotlight – Southern Nevada Golf Association for Business Women

As SNGA member clubs go, the Southern Nevada Golf Association for Business Women have been driving it and teeing it in style for longer than most. Here’s a look behind the scenes of this club and the mission that has continued to be instilled since 1986.

Back in 1986, when Maary “with two A’s” Smith, and Barbara Allen, along with eight others, met for lunch at Alexis Park, they created one of the most historic and longest standing member clubs in the Southern Nevada Golf Association.

Some 40 years later, the Southern Nevada Golf Association for Business Women is going strong and living up to the original mission of promoting good fellowship among professional and business women through the game of Golf while being a member in good standing of the Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association. Networking and fun are a main attraction as is an active schedule of play days, tournaments, travel and camaraderie.

For information or memberships click now to the official website of the SNGA for Business Women.

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