Free 2016 USGA Rules Seminar to Take Place December 13

Everything you ever wanted to know and more about the rules changes for 2016 can be found out during a free United States Golf Association rules seminar to be held at 9 am on Dec. 13 at Las Vegas National Golf Club, the home of the Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame. USGA rules guru John Van Der Borght will be on hand to give the presentation as will local Southern Nevada Golf Association and USGA officials.

Sue May, the local rules expert who also works several USGA national championships nationally, says the seminar will focus on the new anchoring ban, the new rule that will allow players to carry more than 14 clubs in the extra clubs are turned upside down and declared out of play, and other new rules.

The event is free and open to all Southern Nevada golfers. The SNGA, Southern Nevada Chapter,
Southwest Section, PGA of America and the Womens Southern Nevada Golf Association are sponsoring free coffee, tea, soda and water for the event.

The 2016 Rules Change Seminar is FREE to SNGA members, however you must register for the seminar on the SNGA website or call the SNGA office at 702-458-4653.

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