Get your USGA golf handicap in 3 easy steps with Southern Nevada Golf Association

If you are already an SNGA member reading this, then you know how simple it is to secure and manage an official USGA golf handicap.

But if you haven’t joined the SNGA yet, here’s a 1-2-3 guide to getting that number.

A lot of people are intimidated about securing a golf handicap.

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Well, don’t be.

The process is easier and simpler than it has ever been, and will allow you to play in fun or competitive golf tournaments and/or better assess your golf skills against your friends.

And it is also very cost effective.

Here are the three simple and easy steps to secure your USGA golf handicap through GHIN.

Get your golf Handicap Index in 3 easy steps

1) Sign up for a USGA GHIN Number through the Southern Nevada Golf Association.

When you join one of the many golf clubs available at, you will receive a GHIN number. GHIN stands for Golf Handicap and Information Network and is pronounced like “gin” when abbreviated.

Join an SNGA club now

SNGA golf club memberships start as low as $39 and for a little more than that you can get a free round of golf when you establish a GHIN number.

A unique GHIN number gives you the ability to post your golf scores and that is how your Handicap Index is calculated.

You can also secure a GHIN number by joining a golf “club” such as a men’s or women’s club at a local golf course or country club. Most of the time, a membership includes a USGA handicap.

2) Start posting your golf scores

Once you have your GHIN number established, you can post your scores through these ways after your round:

The USGA GHIN app on your mobile device. The app lets you post your scores, calculate course handicap, view score history and more.

The app features touch-point GPS for thousands of golf courses worldwide. Download the free app from the App Store or Google Play.

Online at

Or online at when you enter your GHIN number and password.

Scores should be posted as soon as possible after your round on the day it was played to best establish the most up-to-date handicap index.

3) Post three 18-hole round scores.

Yes, that is it.

Just post a minimum of three 18-hole or six 9-hole scores and that is all that is needed to calculate and establish your Handicap Index.

But, the more often you post your score, the more accurate your golf handicap index will be.

Simple, right?

And there so many great reasons to establish your USGA handicap.

Join the SNGA golf community today and starting playing, scoring … and posting.


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