Goals Set for ‘Honored’ New WSNGA President


Rusty Beckel leads a new Women’s Southern Nevada Executive Committee into 2022 to build upon what the previous leaders have started. Here is a question and answer with the Beckel.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind about your role as WSNGA president?

The first thing that comes to mind is the honor I feel in being elected by the members to this position. The WSNGA has been providing quality golf experiences to women in Southern Nevada for many years. Talented, dedicated and capable women have led this organization in the past and I am honored to follow in their footsteps. My role as President is to work with my team to keep our organization strong, growing and adding value to our members.

How do you plan to continue to grow the game and WSNGA with women?   

First is our commitment to continue to offer golf programs to women across the ‘skill’ spectrum. As a volunteer organization, we have an amazing team of women who oversee our activities and conduct our programs. This group is dedicated to finding ways to include women who are new to golf, new to the area or new to competitive golf. We will continue to seek ways to provide options that will attract women to the game or help connect them in our golf community. We will also continue our ‘fun’ day program this year with the intent to hold one event outside the metro area.  Women’s golf is thriving all over Southern Nevada, so let’s get connected.

What is the best thing about the WSNGA?

The best thing about the WSNGA is the extraordinary community of women who make up WSNGA membership. These women are from all walks of life, experiences, geographies and talents.  Through our fun days, Team Play program and competitions, these ladies come together to share in this great game. So many long-standing friendships have been created.

What can women expect when they become involved with WSNGA?

First, they can expect that we welcome players at all parts of their golf ‘journey’. Second, they will see that our programs are dedicated to women and in some ways uniquely designed for women. And as they get involved at the organizational level they would see that all member clubs have a say in what we do, how we do it and who is on our leadership team. As a partner of the SNGA, our members can expect to receive and share in all the benefits of the SNGA.

What are 2 or 3 goals you have as president?

I am excited that there are a few new officers on our Executive Board. These ladies bring a fresh perspective to how we engage and connect with our members and prospective members. My first goal is to listen, learn and identify ideas that expand our reach, help us keep our organization strong and sustainably grow.  Second, we will continue to conduct our events with the quality that our players have come to expect while adding things that make them better. Third is a goal to identify more volunteers that we can involve in various areas so we always have a way forward to our future. And, of course, bring the Silver Cup Trophy back to Southern Nevada!

2022 Executive Committee

President – Rusty Beckel
Vice President – Tracey Blake
Secretary – Monica Kaili
Treasurer – Sandy Jenkins
Tournament Chairs – Sherry Jackson, Elizabeth Bridge

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