Heroes In the Rough President Honored By Governor


March was quite the month for veteran Rob Jackson, who is also the president of Heroes in the Rough, a pretty amazing organization saving the lives of wounded veterans through the game of golf. Jackson was nominated to be the Nevada State Veteran of the Month and received the honor from Governor Brian Sandoval. Jackson also earned separate Veteran of the Month recognition from the office of Senator Dean Heller. Read on for more about him and the “Heroes” story. – By Brian Hurlburt, Las Vegas Golf Insider.

Heroes in the Rough helps veterans, mostly who are more than 50% disabled and those that Jackson says sometimes fall through the cracks because it is difficult for them to be active due to their circumstances.

Plain and simply, golf has given them a reason to live in many instances.

Heroes in the Rough is getting veterans back into the game of life.

If you are interested in helping this worthy cause, visit HeroesInTheRough.org to play in their charity events. Another note: according to Jackson, the non-profit organization is “salary-less”, meaning every dollar raised goes back to helping the veterans and nobody from top to bottom is compensated.

The statistics do not lie, “22+ veterans commit suicide everyday due to mental issues, depression and PTSD”, staggering numbers that are just unacceptable. Heroes in the Rough is helping lower this statistic.

Jackson served in the United States Marine Corps as a reservist attached to Bravo Company 4th Tank Battalion (Yakima, Wa.) from 1985-1993. His unit was activated to participate in Desert Storm and attached to 1st Battalion 8th Marines – 2nd Marine Division. He was a gunner on one of the M1A1 tanks and was responsible for engaging any hostile targets. His unit is known for spearheading a Marine Division, engaged in the fastest and largest tank battle in Marine Corps history and having the highest kill ratio in the Gulf War. Jackson suffers from Combat PTSD and has never forgotten the many lives he took.

In 2018, The National Museum Of The Marine Corps will represent his unit in the final phase Desert Shield/Desert Storm exhibit for there accomplishments.

As for the Nevada awards, Jackson was stunned by the nomination and then to be unanimously selected for the honor was the icing on the cake.

“I really can’t say I was excited because I was so overwhelmed,” Jackson said. “But it is pretty cool and anything that helps bring awareness to our brave and determined veterans is very meaningful.

“As for members of the Southern Nevada Golf Association, we welcome them to play in our tournaments and it is wonderful they are recognizing our golfers. Also, I just want golfers to be patient if they ever encounter any of veterans on the course playing and using the para-mobile or making their way around the course. They are out there getting back to living a quality life. The recognition from other golfers means a lot to all of us.”

Heroes in the rough, indeed.

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