Lee, Cui Earn Medalist at 2025 USGA Women’s Four-Ball Qualifier


The duo of Addison Claire Lee and Victoria Cui carded a seven-under par 65 to earn medalist honors at the 2025 U.S. Women’s Amateur Four-Ball qualifier. The tournament was held Aug. 16, 2024, at Boulder Creek Golf Club. –by Bill Bowman, Las Vegas Golf Insider

The victory qualifies the duo for the 2025 U.S. Women’s Four-Ball Amateur Championship which will be held May 10-14, 2025, at the Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club in Nichols Hills, OK.

Lee came out hot with birdies on three of the first four holes and as a team they put five birdies on the scorecard in the first seven holes en route to a one-shot victory.

She is from Atherton, Calif while Lee is from Cupertino, Calif.

On the back nine the team posted two birdies and seven pars to secure the victory.

The teams of Peters-Soldwisch and Zheng-Du are alternates. Soldwisch and Du are members of the Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association.

The two teams played six extra holes to determine the alternate order.

2025 U.S. Women’s Amateur Four-Ball Qualifier

Addison Claire Lee-Victoria Cui, 65

Hazel Peters-Ariya Soldwisch, 66

Yaxuan Zheng-Bing Demi Du, 66

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