Longtime rules official Sue May Earns Prestigious USGA Award


Sue May is an institution when it comes to Southern Nevada golf. May has been pacing the fairways of area golf courses as a rules official for 25 years—in addition to working several U.S. Men’s and Women’s Open tournaments and other high-level United States Golf Association events—is being awarded the prestigious Ike Grainger Award on Feb. 6 on Coronado Island. May is scheduled to be recognized during the USGA Annual Meeting and Service Awards Dinner to be held at the Hotel del Coronado near San Diego.

The Award is named in honor of Isaac B. Grainger, who served on the USGA Executive Committee in 1945 and later rose to the office of USGA President in 1954. Grainger remained active as a volunteer in the years following his Presidency and was still a consulting member of the Rules of Golf Committee in 1994 (his and the USGA’s 100th year). Ike continued to serve until his death on October 18th, 1999, just short of his 105th birthday.

“I am extremely honored to be recognized for my service, but I guess this means I have been doing this for a little too long,” said May with a laugh. “I never thought I would make it 25 years, but it has been special. What really stands out to me are the friends I have made and the people I have met over those years. We are a close-knit family and I have become personal friends with people who I have served the game with during that time. That is what has meant so much to me and what I will always cherish.”

Appropriately, while May commented about receiving the award, she was mentoring others during a USGA rules seminar. In addition to overseeing seminars, May has helped organize rules officials and operate many of the biggest tournaments in Southern Nevada. She has worked the Nevada Open, numerous local amateur tournaments and also local and regional U.S. Open and U.S. Amateur qualifiers.

May has also written rules columns for the Las Vegas Review-Journal and other publications, and is always ready to give a ruling or assist another rules official with a question.

“I am thrilled to inform you that 2016 marks your 25th year as a USGA Committee Member,” wrote Emily von Doehren, USGA Senior Director in the official letter recognizing May for her dedication. “You are scheduled to receive the USGA’s Ike Grainger Award, which recognizes Committee Members serving 25 years. Congratulations on this marvelous milestone.”

There is no “May” about it. Sue is a worthy honoree.


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