Member Club Spotlight – Unique Sunrise Senior Golf League Is Unlike Any Other

There is something special and unique happening at the Club at Sunrise each Friday morning. The Sunrise Senior Golf League members tee off and then the fun always begins for this unique and diverse group of 60-years-young male and female golfers who love the spirit of golf. –By Brian Hurlburt,

Sunrise Senior Golf League started in 2018, designed and created by Matt Kalback, the former GM/PGA Pro at The Club at Sunrise.

“The league started out as a 9 hole event, because Matt thought we were too old and fragile to play 18 holes,” says Reggie Kemp, longtime member and promotions manager for the group. “Fast forward to today and some of our members have lunch after our Friday morning 18-hole event, then go back out for a second 18 hole round to stay in shape, including an 89 year young member of ours. Bob Verbeck was ‘volunteered’ by Matt to take over the club and we now have an executive committee that handles everything. Back then we had about 8 or 9 golfers and now we have about 75 members and 55-60 play each week.”

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Interested golfers age 60 or older can contact Kemp at [email protected] for info on joining the Sunrise Senior Golf League.

Kemp also says the group follows two strict rules and violators can be prosecuted to the full extent of the golf rule book.

“Rule number one is have fun,” Kemp says with a smile. “and rule number two is never forget rule number one.”

Since becoming an official SNGA member club, the growth of the club has been easy to manage and the members love the Southern Nevada Golf Association newsletters, the 2 for 1 tee time offers and getting a USGA GHIN handicap index. The goal of the group is to reach a maximum of 128 golfers before a waiting list begins.

“Our league continues to grow due to the generosity of our sponsors and also the wonderful group of friendly members,” Kemps says. “With the help of our sponsors, we are able to award $500-600 of gifts and prizes each week, along with another $3500 at our session-ending banquets. Not only that, our sponsors give percentage discounts on their products and services to any member that presents their Sunrise Senior Golf League ID card. We do this with no membership fees or dues, and to our knowledge, we are the only ladies and men organized weekly Senior Golf League in the Las Vegas Valley. Sure, there are groups of seniors at other golf courses that get together and play golf, but you’ll only find one like ours.”

Sunrise Senior Golf League Sponsors

Adrenaline Rush
Dirt Dog
Express Lube Service
Dick’s Sporting Goods
HUDL Brewing
SoulBelly BBQ
The Club at Sunrise
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