Member Club Spotlight – Vegas Golf Network Brings Vegas Golf to Life

The Vegas Golf Network is one of 90+ Southern Nevada Golf Association member clubs and bills itself as “a different kind of golf league for players in Las Vegas. Monthly Tournaments for a year-long season title at various courses throughout the valley. Prizes, MAJOR events, putting contests, social outings, and more.”

Check out the SPOTLIGHT video now.

The VGN, or Vegas Golf Network, was created by Mathew, Joe, Jeremy, Reid, and Kyle early in 2019 to bring together like-minded golfers in the Vegas area.

The club also has three light-hearted and simple rules they follow for new members to be welcomed into the VGN:

  1. You have to live in Las Vegas and love it here.
  2. Golf has to be a passion of yours
  3. You can’t be a (jerk). ZERO DRAMA IS PERMITTED

To get involved, visit


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