New Board Welcomes SNGA Members to New Year

Happy New Year and Best Golf Wishes for 2017 from the new Southern Nevada Golf Association board. The new leadership group is in place and led by president Tim Quinn, who looks forward to a great year on many levels from expanded membership to high-level and fun tournaments to an ever-evolving junior golf program and much more.

“I’m looking forward to working with the new and returning executive board members to make the SNGA membership more valuable, which will increase our member retention and help to grow our membership,” Quinn said.

The board is committed to many projects and is working tirelessly to continue to meet and exceed the expectations of each member. Thank you for your support.

2017 Executive Board

Tim Quinn – President

Bob Orgill – Vice President

Tom Khamis – Secretary

Matt Johnson – Treasurer

David Roger – Legal Counsel

Frank Abbott

Kenny Ebalo

George Hall

Jan Hansen

Tom Kilmer

Sue May

Kendall Murphy – PGA Representative

Lee Smith – Junior Golf Representative

Eric Dutt – Golf Course Owners Representative

Debbie Koch – Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association Representative

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