Our Expert Weighs In on How New Rules of Golf Will Impact You


Sue May has been the leading United States Golf Association rules official in Southern Nevada for many years and oversees dozens of local and regional tournaments annually, plus assists on a national level.

So she is the perfect person to ask about the new Rules of Golf, which are set to go into play January 1, 2019. For the next few months, May will give us an inside look at the new rules and we will give you access to the official USGA website for even more information.

“One of the new Rules I think will benefit the player the most is not having to take stroke and distance when your ball is lost outside a penalty area or out of bounds,” May says. “This is a Local Rule that I think all clubs and associations should adopt in order to speed up play. There’s nothing worse than having to go back to the tee especially when other players are there ready to tee off. Using this local rule will cost the player two strokes, but could be well worth the penalty. This rule and now having only three minutes to look for a lost ball, instead of five, are going to reduce the time of your round of golf.”

Check out video about the Stroke and Distance Rule here

Among the areas the new rules will impact are: Ball at rest, ball in motion, taking relief, areas of the course, equipment, playing a ball, when to play during a round and player behavior.

For a complete look at the new rules, click to the USGA.org rule hub now.

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