Perfect Timing – Golf Zone Podcast with U.S. Open Expert and Historian

June has a different feel to it, and part of it is because the United States Open annually takes place during the month. This year, the event is scheduled for June 17-20 at Torrey Pines in La Jolla, Calif. To honor the event, the Golf Zone podcast, hosted by locals Eric Dutt and Tommy Canale, had on Ron Read as a guest. Read is a longtime USGA official and U. S. Open starter for more than two decades.

Listen to Ron, Eric and Tommy today and hear some great stories from the U.S. Open and between 1986 and 2020.

“Since Ron spent over two decades as the first tee starter at the U.S. Open, we think it’s only fitting that he’s the June featured guest as it’s U.S. Open month at Torrey Pines,” says Dutt. “Torrey Pines was renovated a couple of times for U.S. Opens by Rees Jones, and Rees was another one of our guests.”


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