PGA Junior League All Star Event Honors LV Golf Hall of Famer Bullard

Jimmie Bullard, PGA of America, was responsible for teaching the swings of hundreds of Vegas golfers over the years, including many juniors and those who went on to play in high school, college and even on Tour. Recently, Mike Davis, a fellow Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame inductee and PGA of America master professional, helped honor Bullard by organizing a PGA Junior League all star event at the historic Las Vegas National Golf Club. –By Brian Hurlburt, Las Vegas Golf Insider.

“This was a nine hole stroke play event among the Champions from the seven PGA Junior Leagues in the Las Vegas Valley and the event was hosted by another Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame member, Joe Kelly, and Las Vegas National Golf Club,” says Davis, the director of instruction at the private DragonRidge Country Club and coach of the Ridgebacks, who won the event. “Jimmie’s widow, Reeni,  and daughter, Courtney, presented the trophy and medals to the winners. The kids had a great time and we are planning on making this an annual event.

“It was a fitting tribute to a wonderful man and great instructor. Reeni and Courtney were very thankful and pleased with the event and the tribute; especially at Las Vegas National. Jimmie spent about 25 years teaching there when it was known as The Sahara Golf Club. I also found out that Jimmie and Reeni were married there, so there will always be special memories for her.”

Team Results

DragonRidge Ridgebacks              107

Painted Desert Golden Golfers    113

Red Rock Rock Stars                       115

Canyon Gate CC                              115

Dragon Ridge Vipertooths             118

Desert Willow GC                            125

Las Vegas Paiute Resort                 128

About Jimmie Bullard

Take your pick: outstanding golfer, outstanding teacher, good enough singer to have his own Las Vegas lounge act, or great storyteller. Mr. Jimmie Bullard is all of the above. But Bullard is perhaps best known as the swing coach behind so many of Las Vegas’ top golfers: to name just a few, he’s helped fellow 2009 Hall of Fame inductee Edward Fryatt, past inductee Brady Exber, likely future inductee Stephanie Louden, long driving champions like Corey Morley and Art Sellinger, and celebrities like Max Baer Jr. and Doug Sanders.
Jimmie was a high school champion golfer in Kansas, before playing college golf at Oklahoma State. He had a couple stints on the PGA Tour, with two top-five finishes, before settling into a teaching career that spanned four decades at the time of his induction in 2009. He has taught in Las Vegas at a number of different area clubs including Las Vegas Golf Club and Highland Falls Golf Club. Bullard is a man who admits to being obsessed with golf, and he always says his favorite golf lesson is “the next one I’m going to give.” Bullard also battled various health issues over his career, never letting his misfortune get in the way of helping his students.
Bullard believed being inducted into the Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame was the perfect ending to an interesting golf career. “It is the greatest honor that can be bestowed upon someone who has given a lifetime to the game of golf,” said Bullard
Quick Facts
– More than 100 former students have received college golf scholarships
– So. Central Champion in Kansas/Oklahoma/Arkansas with a 69.0 average, 1976
– Fourth place in Oklahoma City Open, 1976
– Third place in Magnolia Classic in Mississippi, 1969
– Kansas Amateur Stroke Play champion, 1964
– High school state champion, Kansas, 1962 with a stroke average of 70.2
– Singer/performer, Las Vegas hotels
– Player, Oklahoma State
– Teacher of thousands of golf lessons in Las Vegas over four decades
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