Popular Guys & Gals Club in Golf Summerlin Joins SNGA


More and more golf clubs are joining the Southern Nevada Golf Association and that means more opportunities for all golfers in Southern Nevada. There are a lot of wonderful sateliite clubs that aren’t officially part of golf courses and are made up of golfing friends and buddies.

One such club is the Guys & Gals Club that is anchored in Golf Summerlin. The Club has been around for about 17 years but their new handicap chairperson, Sumiko Tatsue, has worked with us at the SNGA to create an official club and USGA handicap system for Guys & Gals.

“We are a friendly, sociable golf club in Sun City Summerlin and we have a tournament one Sunday a month playing foursomes, two guys and two gals, game,” Tatsue said. “Residents who have a home owner’s association number in Sun City Summerlin and who have a USGA official handicap index are eligible to join, but according to our community regulations, anyone who has USGA official handicap can play in the tournaments maximum of two times a year as a guest so any house guests who are visiting Sun City Summerlin can play with us so long as they have a handicap.”

The annual entry fee is only $10 and tournament entry fees are only $6 plus the regular green fees.

The club welcomes couples as well singles to play a fun round of golf one Sunday morning each month.

The tournament formats are different each month, but always use a shotgun start, full handicaps for scoring and a Magic Putt. The tournaments alternate between the Palm Valley course and Highland Falls.  After golf, there is lunch at the clubhouse and socializing.

For all official club info and how to join visit www.scsguysngals.com

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