Quinn Presidential Reign to End But SNGA Efforts Will Remain


While the term of current SNGA president Tim Quinn is coming to and end, the dedicated volunteer is not ending all of his ties to the organizations. Quinn has served as the president for about 48 months and will relinquish his role beginning in 2019.

For Quinn, volunteering for the SNGA is second nature and he will continue to serve as a rules official, work on the course rating and handicapping committees and represent the SNGA at the United States Golf Association level and with other organizations, as needed.

“I intend to continue with the SNGA in a variety of areas and I will also stay as involved with assisting the transition as much as the incoming executive committee wishes me to be,” Quinn said, moments after completing a course taring of the Angel Park Palm course. “I have an incredible amount of confidence in the people who are stepping forward to lead the SNGA into the future and the current staff, and am here to help however I can and it has been an honor to serve as the president.”

As Quinn pondered the future, he realized that with his busy schedule, he really hadn’t thought much about his time at the top.

“I really haven’t sat back and spent a lot of time thinking about what the last fours year have meant big picture and what the net result has been,” Quinn said. “There will be time for that in the future and I am just happy to have played a small role in helping to guide the SNGA.”

Here are some highlights from Quinn’s time as president.

  1. The SNGA was recognized as an official allied association of the USGA. The recognition came after a series of benchmarks were accomplished. The SNGA worked closely with the Women’s SNGA to achieve the status. The USGA selected only a certain amount of organizations for the important and prestigious partnership.
  2. A major effort by Quinn, executive director Ann Sunstrum and other e-committee members was to establish and improve relationships with other allied associations including the Arizona Golf Association on a regional level. Closer to home, the SNGA has worked closely with the Southwest Section, Southern Nevada chapter, PGA, the Southern Nevada Golf Course Superintendents Association, the Nevada State Golf Association and other groups to promote golf.
  3. The SNGA earned USGA recognition for membership growth at a time when other allied associations experienced a membership decrease. Quinn credits the efforts of Sunstrum for making this possible.
  4. Quinn believes the re-establishing of the Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association and also working to create the best SNGA tournament schedule possible are other areas of success for the SNGA in recent years.
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