Roberts, Abbott Win 2017 Nevada State Senior Amateur Titles

Todd Roberts and Frank Abbott walked away with the gross division titles of the 2017 Nevada State Senior Amateur played at Las Vegas National August 18-20, 2017. Chris Boyer won the net division, and Jim Burger the Silver net division. Overall, SNGA members swept all of the titles. — By Bill Bowman and Brian Hurlburt.

It was Robert’s first win in a Nevada State Golf Association event, but not for lack of trying.

“Three years ago in Reno I made a seven and missed out on the playoff by a shot,” he said. “Then last year I had a three-shot lead with two holes to go and blew it. This year I knew I was in pretty good shape on 18 if I didn’t do anything stupid.”

Check out the complete story at the official Nevada State Golf Association website.

Todd Roberts

Frank Abbott

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