SNGA Club Spotlight – Coyote Willows Golf Course in Mesquite, Nevada

Chances are, you have never heard of Coyote Willows golf course, a hidden-away—until now—9 hole layout in Mesquite, Nevada, 77 miles from Vegas. Coyote Willows is a par 35, 9-hole, USGA and Southern Nevada Golf Association rated course. It is a small course, but with big, challenging holes.

The course is Nestled along the Virgin River and within the tight-knit Coyote Willows neighborhood. In fact, in 2017, a few members of the Coyote Willows community purchased the course and it has been on a upswing ever since, highlighted by becoming a member of the SNGA.

Coyote Willows rates are friendly and visitors and locals are always welcome. Now is the perfect time to discover Coyote Willows and play a BIG, little course in Mesquite, Nevada.

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