SNGA Member Club Spotlight – Sun City Summerlin 18 Holers

The purpose of the Sun City Summerlin 18 Holers Southern Nevada Golf Association member club is to promote the enjoyment of golf and good fellowship and other recreational activities for its members. The club exists to benefit its members and shall operate as a non-profit organization, with all funds being used for club purposes.

The Sun City Summerlin 18 Holers men’s group is one of 90+ SNGA member clubs. Click now for more information about the Sun City Summerlin 18 Holers. To pick a different member club to join, visit this link at

The 18 Holers play tournaments with a different format each Thursday at the Golf Summerlin courses of Palm Valley, Highland Falls, or Eagle Crest. The formats are competitive golf at its finest with a lot of fun. No matter what your handicap is, you’ll will be flighted with golfers of comparable skill levels.

The tournament chairmen also ensure that the weekly tournaments vary in format to allow for all skill levels to compete in a friendly fun environment.  Many other special events are planned throughout the year for the members’ enjoyment.  Handicap tracking is included in the annual dues.  New members are paired with other golfers by the tournament chairmen, but it doesn’t take long before a new golfer gets paired up in a regular foursome.

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