SNGA Tee Card Offers Nearly Unlimited Vegas Golf Deals

Las Vegas, Nev. (Nov. 30, 2016)—We’re all looking for that perfect gift, especially around the holiday season. Whether it’s for mom, dad, a friend, a co-worker or your loved one, here’s a gift that they will thank you for over and over: The Tee Card. Offered through the Southern Nevada Golf Association, this card offers discounts to many Las Vegas golf courses and can pay for itself in just one use. It’s the ideal gift for that golfer (or golfers) on your list. –By Bill Bowman

The Tee Card cost is as low as $25 for SNGA members (non-members can also purchase) and yes, gift certificates can be purchased online. The card can be used at a variety including the likes of Bali Hai, Bear’s Best, Coyote Springs, Golf Summerlin, Rio Secco and more than 30 others.

The discounts range from 2-for-1 rounds to 4-for-3 rounds to deep daily fee discounts so be sure to check with the course before making your tee time. And because it is digital, players will want to check back often as new offers will continually be added to the Tee Card experience.

The deals don’t just stop at Las Vegas courses. It’s wide ranging and includes being able to be used at courses such as CasaBlanca and Falcon Ridge in Mesquite as well as Coral Canyon in St. George, Utah as well as other courses.

There are also chances to use the card at places such as Las Vegas Golf & Tennis (card owners can get $10 off a purchase of $50 or more). Players can also use the card to get a great deal on a variety of lesson packages at the Rhoderunner Golf Coaching Center.

Is this the perfect gift? It is if you have a golf fan on your shopping list. And with the low cost, it may be the perfect gift to give to yourself as well.

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