Southern Nevada Women’s Golf 2023 Schedule Includes Fun Days, Championships, More

While not 100 percent completed yet, the 2023 Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association schedule and associated events is coming along nicely according to Sherry Jackson, WSNGA tournament director, and Kat Marks, competitions and USGA service manager for the Southern Nevada Golf Association. Highlights include Women’s Golf Day, the State Partners at Jack Nicklaus’ Bear’s Best Las Vegas and three “Fun Days.”

All official WSNGA schedule information is found via the official website.

“It should be a really exciting year and hopefully we’ll have a lot of full fields and some memorable tournaments,” Jackson says. “The courses we play this year should be in fine shape and we look forward to another terrific season.”

One of the three “Fun Days” kicks off the schedule Feb. 20 at DragonRidge Country Club. The Fun Days are open to all levels of players and are just that, fun. The days give the WSNGA an opportunity to reach new golfers who may want to get more involved with the WSNGA. The trend is something Jackson and her fellow board members welcome.

“Female participation in golf has increased during Covid and we’re getting a lot of players who are not total newbies, but they have less years of experience than a lot of our regular players,” Jackson says. “That is a good thing and we are pleased that we are seeing a lot of new faces, especially with our fun days. Our fun days are helping to attract a lot of players into our major tournaments and that was the whole idea.”

Jackson says the combined Southern Nevada Amateur and Silver Cup Qualifier is always highly anticipated. The 2023 event is scheduled for May 15-16 at Las Vegas National.

“Joe Kelly and the team at Las Vegas National do a great job and we look forward to hosting this event at the course in 2023,” Jackson says.

Less than a month after the Southern Nevada Amateur is the State Women’s Partners at Bear’s Best, scheduled for June 6-7. The event features two-player teams playing a best ball format and is a favorite tournament for the players.

Women’s Golf Day has become an annual tradition and is scheduled for June 8, once again at Las Vegas National. In 2022, the event was held at the course and featured a large turnout of 100+ golfers, many who signed up to become WSNGA members.

The inaugural Women’s City Amateur was held at Las Vegas Golf Club in 2022 and the second annual tournament is also scheduled for October in 2023. Specific details are forthcoming.

“The first thing that comes to mind about the 2023 schedule for women in Southern Nevada are Women’s Golf Day and the Women’s City Amateur because both events were a first in 2022; Women’s Golf Day as a public celebration and the Women’s City Am as a first in history,” Marks says. “They were both such special events for the SNGA to bring to life. It was pretty exciting to crown the very first Women’s City Am champs. Next season is pretty packed with the WSNGA Championships and Women’s State events, so it will be exciting to see how much more we can grow the field and game.”

The Nevada State Amateur is scheduled for June 19-20 at Arrowcreek Golf Club in Northern Nevada.

Details for the Southern Nevada Senior Amateur are being finalized and will be forthcoming once determined.

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