Sue Rules – Sign the Card or Not Sign the Card

Here we go with another addition of Sue’s Rules with our Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame rules expert Sue May.

Q: Can you tell me if there is a new Rule of Golf that says if you don’t sign your scorecard you don’t get disqualified? My husband plays in SNGA Tournaments and says that happened to him.

A: There is a Model Local Rule – L1 that the Committee running the Tournament can put in effect. It’s called “Modified Penalty for Missing Certification” which means it would be a 2 stroke penalty instead of disqualification if your scorecard is turned in without 2 signatures.
SNGA and WSNGA have put this on their hard card and use that Model Local Rule for all their tournaments. I would recommend if you’re running a Tournament you use this rule.
Q: Can you tell me what the term Integral Object means?
A: An Integral Object is something defined by the Committee as part of the challenge of playing the course. You never get free relief from an Integral Object.
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