Sue’s Rules – Can I Use a Club to Help Take Stance?

This is a series of rules with one of our Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association experts, Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame rules official Sue May.

When a Rules Official plays golf, other players always ask Rules questions. None of us mind, because that’s we love what we do and educating players.

This column is a place you can get answers to the Rules questions you’re not sure if you understand correctly. Rather than asking your husband, significant other or best friend, send it in and get the correct answer. Do you have a question for Sue? Email [email protected] today

Q: In our last Team Play, we had a player put her club on the ground to help take her stance and aim at the hole. Since she did remove the club before she made her shot, was she still subject to a penalty?

Sue: Yes, she is still subject to a penalty even if she removed the club before making a stroke at the ball. She has breached Rule 10.2b(3) and gets a penalty of two strokes in stroke play or loss of hole in Match Play.

Q: My ball was leaning against a bunker rake in the General Area. Do I have to mark my ball before removing the rake? What happens if my ball moves when I do move the rake?

Sue: You don’t have to mark your ball before removing the rake. If your ball moves, place your ball or another ball on the original spot where it was before moving the rake.

No Penalty.

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