Sue’s Rules – Do You Know These Two Golf Rules Our Expert Explains?

We are back with more with Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame rules official Sue May. She continually gets questions and then makes official rulings. So, here we go with another edition of “Sue’s Rules”.


We’re playing a 4-ball match and both my ball and my partner’s ball are at rest on the putting green. I putt and my ball hits her ball. Isn’t that a loss of hole for me? It’s a 2-stroke penalty in Stroke Play, right?

Sue’s ruling:

No penalty in Match Play, only Stroke Play. The exception to Rule 11.1a addresses ball played on putting green in STROKE PLAY ONLY.

If the player’s ball in motion hits another ball at rest on the putting green and both balls were on the putting green before the stroke, the player gets the General Penalty (2 strokes).


General questions about whether a player can borrow equipment from another player during competition.

Sue’s Ruling:

We’ve had a lot of questions about borrowing things from another player during the round like a rangefinder, golf balls, tees, or clubs. The only thing you can’t borrow or share during the round is equipment (which means clubs).

Note: If your playing in a Partner’s Tournament, you may share clubs as long as between you and your partner, you are only carrying a combined 14 clubs or less.

Example: I’m carrying 7 clubs and my partner is carrying 7 clubs.

And there you have it from our EXPERT!

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