Sue’s Rules – Dropping Drop Zone Knowledge

Once again, here is Sue May, Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame SNGA Rules Official, sharing some of her vast rules knowledge. This time, she drops some knowledge about drop zones.

Question: If there is a drop zone on a hole, do I have to use it?

Sue: Drop zones are usually an extra relief option for a golfer. The committee may make them mandatory, but the committee must make that clear in the terms of competition.

Q: When dropping in a drop zone, does the ball have to land in the drop zone?

Sue: The ball must land in the drop zone when dropped. It can’t land outside of the drop zone and roll into it.

Q: If the ball lands in the drop zone, can I stand outside of the drop zone to play it?

Sue: You may stand outside of the drop zone to play a ball that was legally dropped in the drop zone.

Q: If the ball is dropped and lands in the drop zone, but rolls out of it, can I play it?

Sue: If the ball is dropped in the drop zone and rolls out, it must be dropped again. If the ball is again dropped and rolls out, it must placed near where it landed on the second drop.

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