Tips for New, Improved GHIN in 2020

There are plenty of changes and improvements coming to the GHIN system as part of the new World Handicap Launch in 2020. Here are some tips to help you in the transition.

  1. The last eRevision from the existing system will be on December 15th.  Members can continue to post scores through December.
  2. The current system will come down on New Year’s Eve.  The new system is expected to come up on 1/6/2020.  Members will need to hold all scorecards during this time to be entered in the new software.after 1/6
  3. The GHIN app is being replaced by a much improved version.  Members will be automatically notified to update the app once the new version is available.
  4. eGolfer is going away so anyone who has been using it should save any information they would like to keep.  A new golfer experience will be released Qtr 2 2020.
  5. We will be sending out training and video clips on how to use the new software.

“For individual golfers there really is nothing to do now (as of Nov. 8, 2019), but I would recommend that members print their score history toward the end of December so they can feel comfortable it all converted correctly,” says the SNGA’s Mary-Beth Schwarz, Membership and Analysis Manager. “Other than that, just watch for information and snippets about how to post scores, etc. that will be coming.”

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