USGA Creates GHIN Golfer Experience Pilot Program to Help Connection

Research and surveys reveal there is a level of experience dissatisfaction with golfers and the USGA, through its GHIN Golfer Experience Pilot Program, will work to help improve these experiences and build a deeper connection between golfers and the facilities they frequent. Beginning Nov. 29, you will see the survey when you log in thru the GHIN system.

USGA research showed the following:

  • Based on a 1-10 scale, the satisfaction for golf’s primary product is 69%. That puts golf at the same level as airlines and the post office.
  • There is a significant perception gap between golfers and facility managers about the factors that have the biggest impact on golfer

But the organization is committed to improving upon these statistics for the betterment of the entire industry and golfers at large.

From the mission of the new program:

“Given our position in the industry and access to golfers and facilities, the USGA and—by extension—Affiliated Golf Associations, are uniquely positioned to deliver a product that enables
facility managers to make informed decisions that improve golfer experience and satisfaction. By doing so, this not only improves the retention of golfers through a better understanding of the factors that contribute to their golf experience, it also indirectly creates more engagement between the USGA/AGAs, golfers and golf facilities. We care about the golfer experience and are here to help improve it.”

The goals and details of the program are as follows:

Provide tools and solutions to golf courses, clubs and golf associations that make golf experiences better

Distribute innovative products and services to improve the quality of the on-course experience and reduce the consumption of critical resources by golf courses

Improve golfer experience by 20% while reducing the consumption of critical resources by 25%

Be on the lookout for additional details and how you can provide valuable input.

And thank you for your support of golf and the SNGA.

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