Member Club Team Play

Team Play is a match play competition between member clubs of WSNGA. Any member club in good standing with WSNGA is eligible to participate in team play. Each team consists of eight players comprising four teams. Member clubs participating in team play are placed into the Red or Blue Division based on the previous year’s results.

Each member club plays a match against each club in their division which is typically scheduled between February and June of each calendar year. Points are awarded in each match for gross, net and overall. At the end of the team play competition schedule, there is a playoff competition between the divisions to determine the gross, net and overall winners. A team play party is held after the playoff competitions in which anyone who has played in team competition can play and an awards ceremony is held to recognize the winners of the team play competition.

2019 Team Play Update:

The Team Play-Offs will be on Monday, June 10th at Las Vegas National.  We have a 7:30 AM shotgun start for the price of $41.00.

The WSNGA Team Play Awards Luncheon and Party will be held at Bali Hai Golf Club.  The date is Monday, June 24th.  We have a 7:30 AM shotgun for the price of $85.00 which includes green fees, cart, range balls, prize money and a yummy lunch.  Our format will be a 4-Woman Scramble.  The only requirement is that you must use two drives from each player.  June 1st handicaps will be used to determine the teams. Jackie will do the pairings and will make the teams as even as possible. Maximum sloped handicap not to exceed 36.

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