Women’s Golf Rules Spotlight – Sue’s Rules


This is the first in a series of rules with one of our Women’s Southern Nevada Golf Association experts, Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame rules official Sue May. Away we go with “Sue’s Rules.”

When a Rules Official plays golf, other players always ask Rules questions. None of us mind, because that’s we love what we do and educating players.

This column is a place you can get answers to the Rules questions you’re not sure if you understand correctly. Rather than asking your husband, significant other or best friend, send it in and get the correct answer. Do you have a question for Sue? Email [email protected] today

Question by Lorraine at Chimera Golf Club recently:

Q: I’ve been told by several players that if I hole out my ball and there is already a ball in the hole I get a penalty. Could that be true?

Sue’s Rules Answer: No, it’s not true. There is no penalty to anyone if you hole out your ball and there is already a ball left in the hole. That ball left in the hole is an obstruction.

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