WSNGA Members Fare Well at State Senior

Six of the division champions at the Nevada State Women’s Senior Amateur held at Boulder Creek Golf Club were members of the WSNGA, led by Vickie Myers, the overall net champ and a member at Las Vegas Paiute Golf Resort. The other champs were Ronda Henderson, Helen Walsh, Rusty Beckel, Clara Heo, Karen Herness and Fay Geddess.

“I have bad holes, that’s why I’m a 20-handicap,” Myers said with a laugh after the victory. “It helps when you can play well without your ‘A’ game and I did that. I scrambled well and pitched and putted well. That can make up for not hitting a lot of greens. It helped me save strokes.”

WSNGA champs and divisions

Net Overall – Vickie Myers

Overall Net – Vickie Myers
50-59 Gross – Ronda Henderson
50-59 Net – Helen Walsh
60-69 Gross – Rusty Beckel
60-69 Net – Clara Heo
70+ Gross – Karen Herness
70+ Net – Faye Geddes

Congratulations to all of our Southern Nevada champs and keep it up! And congrats to the North’s Ruth Maxwell for earning the overall gross division title.

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