WSNGA Spotlight: Marcia Lee

The islands of Hawaii are known for the laid-back vibe they tend to instill in people. But don’t tell that to longtime Hawaiian resident Marcia Lee. Lee, who moved to Las Vegas about two years ago along with her husband, has been anything but laid back as she jumped into the WSNGA with both feet. –by Bill Bowman, Las Vegas Golf Insider staff.

She’s currently a committee member, also serves as a course rater and regularly roams the fairways at Los Prados Golf Course.

For Lee, the transition to life in Las Vegas has been a hectic one but one she has definitely embraced. “I moved to Hawaii at 24 and lived there for 45 years,” she said. “My husband and I have now totally retired and we moved to the mainland to live a good retirement.”

But with all of the choices, why Las Vegas?

“We have friends who moved here about 12 years ago,” she said. “They kept saying how much they loved it. We came here a few times but never thought we’d live here. But then we got to talking and thought this would be a good central hub for us.”

She says she’s adapted to the weather change, but not in the way many people might think.

“I’m OK with the hot weather,” she said. “That’s very comfortable. I’m struggling with the cold and it’s not really that cold but I had four layers of clothes on today when I played.”

There’s also the aspect of the stunning surroundings.

“The scenery here is so different,” she said. “I’m just fascinated with the mountains and all of the shadows. The views are just gorgeous.”

But what about the ocean views of Hawaii lore?

“When I was younger I could spend days next to the ocean,” she said. “But I’m getting older and not missing the ocean as much.”

She said the WSNGA was a natural landing spot for her when she arrived in Vegas.

“I’ve been doing rules and course ratings for 20 years in Hawaii,” she said. “It was natural to get into it here.”

And she’s loving the Vegas vibe…especially around the Los Prados area.

Los Prados is a par-70 course located in northwest Las Vegas. The layout reaches around 6,000 yards from the tips with narrow fairways and quick greens.

“It’s a real comfortable golf course and community,” she said. “My blood pressure drops 20 points around here.”

But it’s not all roses. “I love the course but a few of the holes around here just kill me,” she said with a laugh.

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