Wildhorse Ladies Growing Game, Having Fun For Two Decades


Connie Parr, president of the Wildhorse Ladies Golf Association, said the 70 or so women who are current members of the group have just a couple of goals in mind: enjoy the game of golf and help it grow. Oh, and if the ladies get better at the game along the way, that’s a bonus.–Bill Bowman, Las Vegas Golf Insider staff

Parr has been a member of the Wildhorse association since its inception some 20 years ago. She said in that time, she’s seen great players, average players and those just getting started.

And that’s the way she says it should be.

“We accept ladies with any range of handicaps,” Parr said. “That’s why there are handicaps…so everyone can compete and not feel intimidated.”

Parr added the bottom line is the women are all in this together.

“We’re out there to have fun and enjoy the game of golf,” she said. “We are a friendly bunch. It is a municipal golf course and for a lot of people price certainly comes into play when it comes to playing golf. This is a great place for that.”

And it doesn’t matter if you’re a low-handicap player or a beginner.

“That’s how golf works,” Parr said. “We’ve all got to start somewhere. We are all out there to learn. There’s no need for anyone to feel intimidated. Believe me, we’ve all been just starting out in golf at some time.”

The women’s group at Wildhorse is also very accommodating.

“We’d like anyone and everyone to come out as our guest, play the course, meet the ladies and see whether we are a good fit for them,” she said. “We get new members from word of mouth and our pros also let their students know there is a club for women in case they are interested.”

The women play every Thursday with a variety of games included to add to the outing.

“We have different games each week,” she said. “Whether it’s low gross or low net or scrambles or a number of other games, there are a lot of different options we bring. We’re just out to make sure everyone has a good time.”

The cost to join the association is $40 per year. For more information, call the Wildhorse pro shop at 702.434.9000. Or, as Parr added: “Just come on down on a Thursday and try us out.”

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