WSNGA Looks Ahead to Fun and Safe 2021

Women’s SNGA president Karen Herness and the whole team of WSNGA board of directors are looking ahead to 2021 with appreciation and enthusiasm, while understanding there are still challenges in the world. The 2021 schedule is coming together and emphasizes fun, competition and safety and the return of the beloved Team Play.

“We appreciate the resourcefulness of the golf course management teams and owners who are working with us so diligently to get us safely on their courses and for their special considerations for Team Play events,” says Herness, about the return or Team Play, which was canceled in 2020 due to Covid-19. “We are all looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. The Executive Board has been working hard to create a safe and competitive event schedule for 2021, even in the absence of being able to meet with all our delegates. Plus, we are reintroducing “Fun Days: for ladies!” to bring back some of the camaraderie in a safe manner. Right now they are scheduled at Anthem, Red Rock and Desert Willow and are open to golfers of all skill levels. We are getting many inquiries about golf from ladies new to the area and hope they will join us.”

Here is a link to the 2021 schedule

Here is a link to the overall calendar that features Team Play dates

Here is a link to more WSNGA information

See you on the links!

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